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The 7 Triggers of Procrastination


The 7 Triggers of Procrastination

Procrastination – is the practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time

Let’s face it. We’ve all procrastinated on task at some point in our lives. It’s natural. But what is not natural is letting procrastination take over and become a way of life.
Productivity is the goal. You can reduce or eliminate procrastination by identifying your triggers. Don’t know what the triggers are? Here you go……

 The Top 7 Triggers of Procrastination
1. An Unpleasant Task/ Lack of Interest-
Schedule it at the beginning of the day so it is not hanging over your head all day long. Think of how great you will feel to have it done. Reward yourself when you follow through.

2. The Task Is Not Beneficial to You:
Sometimes the task at hand doesn’t bring any immediate or long term value to your life. Let’s face it, we are all asked to take on things we don’t want to, but we agree to anyway. The best way not to get caught up with constantly using your time to complete tasks that are not pushing you towards YOUR goals is to set boundaries. Learn when an how to say no.

3. Lack of Focus / Scatterbrained
Sometimes we just take on too much at once. We work on tiny bits of several projects and sulk when 30 days later, NONE are near completion. (This can lead to you feeling overwhelmed – see below).If you are working on multiple projects prioritize them into small manageable tasks as in the step above. Focus on completion of one project at a time, in order by priority.

4. You Feel Overwhelmed
Break the project into small manageable tasks.
• What part can you do?
• What can you delegate?
• What is the first step?
• What daily steps can you take?
This is also a great way to de-clutter your mind 

5. Fear
Most people fear success just as much as they fear failure. You must analyze what is triggering your fears, and. Ask yourself:
• What is the fear telling you?
• Is it valid or an irrational assumption?
Use of affirmations and visualization can help. Focus on how great you will feel

6. Poor Time Management
Make appointments with yourself and KEEP THEM! Schedule a block of time daily or weekly to work only on your tasks/projects.
Begin with small blocks of time (whatever you can commit) until you are consistently keeping the appointments then consider committing more time.

7. Indecision
Should I? Shouldn’t I? What If? Let Me Think About It……..all time stealers!
When you have a decision to make and don’t know what to do – set a deadline to make up your mind.
The looming thought of a deadline may not give you a concrete answer on how to go forward, but it will make you eliminate the things you DON’T want – which are all distractions. This will leave you with a much smaller and more focused set of options to choose from.

**If you feel overwhelmed with indecision – then ask for help. Seek advice, support or information you need to be able to make an educated decision**.

-A great book to help with procrastination is Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy. Get it Here-

Now that you have identified the reasons WHY you procrastinate, which trigger do you struggle with the most? How do you plan to overcome it? Share below…..

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