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Aromatherapy – What Is It & How Does It Work?

I remember my grandmother having amber colored bottles lined up on her dresser (I think she still does to this day). She always referred to them as her “oils”. There were lots of them, but I only remember one, peppermint oil which she used to rub on my temples when I had a headache.  When she opened the bottle the smell wafted thru the entire room.  I never asked what they were or how they worked, i just knew they were there.  Little did I know.

Now here I am on my own journey, studying alternative and herbal medicine. And these little brown bottles are a BIG part of healing.  So lets get into the history of Aromatherapy & Essential Oils.

Aromatherapy is an ancient practice with a history as old as time itself. Aromatherapy uses plant materials and aromatic plant oils, including essential oils, and other aroma compounds for the purpose of altering one’s mood, cognitive, psychological or physical well-being.  It is based upon the healing and relaxing effects that arise from the use of many scents. It is similar to the use of herbal remedies and organic medicines, with the main difference being the mode of delivery. It can encompass nearly every aspect of a person’s day, from sleeping to bathing, and through scents in the air or on the body.

The term “aromatherapy” was initially coined by Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, a French chemist from the early 1900’s even though the practice had been around for years before. He described his burn cure as “Aroma-therapie” and published his findings about the uses of aromatic extracts for various therapies in 1937.

The use of scents and scented oils for therapeutic means has been around at least as long as any human records and remains. Such practices are described in the Old Testament of the Bible and the remnants have been unearthed in the ancient burial grounds of many cultures.  I recently attended a class on Essential Oils of Bible which discussed the anointing oils used in the Bible and how we can apply the practice of using essential oils to anoint ourselves in current times.  Very interesting.

While many uses and types of scents are popular, including the use of candles, perfume and air fresheners, true aromatherapy uses essential oils. These oils are extracted from various types of plants, with the method of extraction depending upon the type of plant in use.

In aromatherapy, the essential oils are used in a variety of methods, some diluted and some full-strength to provide a variety of therapeutic results. Some of the ways these oils can be diluted are:

  • In water as a spray. A few drops of oil per ounce of water can be sprayed on the body or into the air.
  • In a bath. Add a few drops of essential oil to a bath, or blending with bath salts.
  • In alcohol. Add a few drops of oil to rubbing alcohol or vodka and dab onto locations of the body. Do not drink this mixture.
  • With salt. Combine essential oil with Epsom salt and natural sea salt. Use in bath or add olive oil to make a salt rub.
  • In lotion. Add up to 5% essential oil to natural unscented lotion or body cream.
  • In other base oils. Mix with any type of vegetable oil, butter or vegetable wax for a variety of uses.
  • Through evaporation. Simply pour the oil into a jar and let it evaporate into the air or as most do these days – use a diffuser.

There are now some essential oils that can be taken internally.  But please use caution, read labels and use common sense before ingesting essential oils.  Not all are safe for ingestion and the ones the are not created equal.

Over the next few weeks I will be publishing a series of articles highlighting the 5 essential oils that you should know and keep on hand, what they are used for and how best to use them. 

Until next time,

Wishing You Health, Wealth & Success



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