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Email 101

Building an email list is very important for your business. Did you know that the average customer will only buy from you after you make contact with them 5-7 times? Very rarely will somebody buy on the first “touch.”

If you don’t get their contact information the first time they visit, you’ve almost certainly lost them forever. However, if you get their email address you can continue marketing to them, and you can very often turn a prospect into a customer.

It’s key to not get caught up in the numbers game! Aim for quality over quantity. In other words, don’t just go for a list of 1000s of people. A responsive list is the most important factor.

Wouldn’t you rather have a list of 200 hungry prospects than 30,000 unresponsive prospects? Getting targeted prospects to your list is key to your success.

So how do you achieve that? First you have to know who your prospect is. This will determine who you go after.

Make sure you know the age, gender, where they live, average income, interests, etc. If you don’t know exactly who your prospects are, you won’t be able to craft your sales letter and emails exactly to their needs.

I would strongly recommend you have an email opt-in form on every page of your blog / website. Especially on your homepage.

How do you increase the percentage of signups for your newsletter?

You need to give them a compelling reason to join. Consider testing an opt-in page. This will weed out the “tire kickers” from the serious prospects.

Remember, your main goal is to get your visitor on your email list not to make the sale the first time they visit. Again, this is because it takes most people at least 5-7 contacts before they will buy.

Next, you need to have a good follow-up system in place. Send them informative emails that they will want to open. Build up your relationship with them. Once you’ve established that relationship, send them an offer. They’ll become loyal customers.

Ill cover that more in depth in the next email in this series.


Wishing you.

Health, Wealth & Success


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