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Feeling Drained? End Toleration in 4 Simple Steps!


What Are You Tolerating?

We all have things in our life that we just put up with or tolerate, for example, a cluttered desk, a messy closet, a squeaky door, a sloppy significant other or child, even STRESS.

While the tolerations may not seem to be a big deal on the surface…don’t be fooled, they are! Tolerations drain us of valuable energy. They prevent us from moving forward. They are a distraction and they waste time, time that could be spent on something proactive and productive. What are you tolerating and how are those tolerations serving you? There is no better time then the present to become free of draining tolerations!!

Here are 4 steps that will help you get a handle on those things that are draining you…

  1. Make a list of all the things you feel you are currently tolerating.
  2. Once you have your list in hand, go over it and look for the pivotal tolerations. A pivotal toleration, when removed, removes other tolerations with it.
  3. Look at what is causing your tolerations and be sure to remove the cause or the root of the toleration. (A toleration is like a weed, if you do not remove the root, the toleration will just return.)
  4. If your toleration list feels overwhelming, again first look for all the pivotal tolerations, transferring three or four to a new list.

Breaking your list down into bite-sized pieces will help it become more manageable and less overwhelming.

I would also like to offer you a bit of personal support. If you are not sure where to start in pinpointing your tolerations or you need support in developing an action plan to remove your tolerations, please e-mail me coaching@zakiahassan.com. I will be more than happy to provide you with a free 30 minute coaching session to help identify and take action against those tolerations that are draining you.


Wishing You

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