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So I’ve been having a bad bit of luck in my field of employment. With everything going on with the economy, the fashion import business has been hit hard.

So when I started at my current company in September, a company that has been around for over 25 years, a company who has always been a major competitor of any place i worked, I thought I was getting back on track! Little did I know!

As I sit here typing this blog, the employees (all 29 that are left) are awaiting an announcement from management if today is the last day of business. WHAT!!! Meanwhile, everyone here is walking around like zombies, asking each other what do you think is going to happen? do you think we will get severance? How much notice do you think they will give us that they are closing? Um hello! START LOOKING NOW! You are grown adults with children, bills and responsibilities! Why are you WAITING for someone to tell you if you will have a job tomorrow?

You see – I’ve been down this road before. I know what it’s like when a company is going down and you are being “strung along” and the signs were all around me. I didn’t want to be told we closing and start scrambling. I wanted to have options. I immediately started my job search and gave myself a deadline of 12/31/11 as my last day. Well it was close but I did it! I received an amazing job offer on 12/28/11 – and immediately gave notice. And this time I chose job security over salary.

I’ve learned the hard way but when your best interest is at stake, you need to LOOK.SEE.MOVE!

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