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No Time For Breakfast? Think Again

No Time For Breakfast? Think Again

healthy breakfast foods

Breakfast is easily the most important meal of the day. As the first meal you put in your body, it provides you with the energy and essential nutrients needed to get you thru the day.  Research has also shown that breakfast eaters tend to eat fewer calories throughout the course of the day, are less cranky, have an easier time maintaining their body weight, make better food choices and have better concentration.

But all breakfasts are not made equal. You need to fuel your body with the right foods . Protein, carbs and even fats? Yes! Chocolate cereal puffs everday? Ummmm not so much!

Tip: Making sure your kitchen is stocked full of whole foods, fruits and veggies helps. Click here to get my FREE healthy food guide.

For me breakfast is a no brainer. I am big fan of Meal Prepping, it makes life so much easier, so usually I just grab, reheat and eat. Here are a few of my favorite breakfast recipes.

5 Quick & Simple Breakfast Ideas (that can all be made ahead of time)

1. Baked Oatmeal
I was introduced to baked oatmeal last year and was instantly hooked. Not only does your house smell amazing, you have breakfast for the entire week (or portion and freeze) and the flavor possibilities are endless. Check out my favorite recipe here

2. Egg Muffins
I don’t know who thought of these, but they are genius. We all know eggs are a great source of protein and think about it eggs are a very big ingredient in lots of breakfast options. Having these premade muffins on hand.  Basic Recipe Here

3. Breakfast Burritos (Breakfast Wraps)
When I first started meal prepping Breakfast Burritos were one of the first items that I tried. In some places they may be called breakfast wraps, but regardless of that they are called, they are lifesavers. Eggs, cheese, potatoes and sausage add-ins all wrapped in a tortilla. Yum!  Basic recipe here

4. Overnight Oats
Ok. It doesn’t get any quicker than this. The night before put all the ingredients in a jar. Shake. Refrigerate. In the morning just grab and go!  Basic recipe here:

5. Protein Shake
The original meal on the go! Whether you make them at home in the blender or on the go in a shaker cup. Protein shakes are are no brainers (and no dishes)!
I use Shakeology, you can get more info on it here:

**With all the recipes above, the flavor combinations are endless. There is no right or wrong, just be conscious that the add-in will vary your calorie count.

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