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My 2 Days on The Raw Till 4 Diet

As I have been incorporating more juicing and smoothies into my daily routine and testing recipes for my upcoming ebook, i’ve been coming across more and more RAW/VEGAN diets. The one that caught my eye was the 80/10/10 diet.

The 80/10/10 diet is basically is where you get 80% calories from carbs, 10% from fat and 10% protein, found in fruit. 100% fruit and veggies, all , I cannot do.

Then I found the Raw Till 4 diet, its where you eat raw foods all day then your last meal contains cooked carbs. This seemed doable, after-all this is basically how I eat in the summer. Fruit salads, juices and smoothies all day, then a regular cooked dinner. I decided to give it a try (modifying the dinner to include chicken or fish).

Well!! This didn’t work at all. I don’t know if it was the mono meal approach (i think it was) or if it was just a mental thing but suddenly eating fruit all day was not appealing. By Tuesday afternoon I was totally turned off. I sat at my desk staring at 4 cups of diced mango – which was supposed to be my lunch.

And then I got to thinking, what about the winter how do you not eat hot foods, no more Brasco Broth and if I only ate fruits and vegetables, when would i ever get a chance to meal plan again!! LOL.  But seriously, I once again proved to myself why I don’t do specific “diets”. I have always had the moderation and balance approach to eating. I don’t deny myself anything, but I am conscious of everything that I eat and how active I am each day.

With that said, I am back to eating clean, 5-6x small meals a day, with a healthy variety of foods at each meal. Thank Goodness 

What is the craziest diet you have ever tried?

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  1. Haven’t tried too many crazy diets, but a healthy variety is always a good way to go. What kinds of food do you usually have each day/week?

    1. Hi! I usually eat clean about 85-90% of the time. I try not to be too restrictive. I’m a big believer in practicing balance and moderation. So mostly lean proteins, veggies, healthy carbs. I juice alot and also drink protein shakes.

  2. Sounds great, definitely want to look into this more. Your top vegan recipe so far?

    1. Hey! Top 5 recipes
      1. Oven Brown Rice (if you want to call it a recipe)
      2. Carrot Soup (just a bit of heat)
      3. Black Bean & Mushroom Chili (made in crockpot, really hearty not to have meat and not too spicy)
      4. Southwest Sweet Potatoes (my sis thinks they taste just like Chipolte)
      5. Baked Oatmeal (the flavor combination possibilities are endless)

      I’ll post recipes this upcoming week, so look out for them 🙂
      Wishing You Health.Wealth.Success – Zakia